future wars of the world

future wars of the world
I read a long time ago that future wars will be fought with intellect and not with weapons. Most people would think that wars are always fought with intellect but they did not know that now weapons will be reduced to what is the information so far. The story of the novel sounds and people are shocked and even worried that it could happen...

However, the report of the Chinese intelligence agency has revealed that the corona virus was developed in a British laboratory and registered in the United States and then in a Canadian laboratory.

Delivered regularly to Wuhan laboratory by Air Canada flight. According to research, the use of corona virus as a biological weapon was started by the Pirbright Institute of England. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health are the financial backers of the Pirbright Institute project. The corona virus is also regularly patented by the Pirbright Institute in the United States.

Its patent number was 10,10,701. The patent was revoked in January after the first case was discovered in the United States. The coronavirus, dubbed 2019-nCoV by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States, was tested on a computer in New York on October 18, 2019. The exercise was organized by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum. The exercise, which was attended by parliamentarians, business leaders and people from the health sector, focused on how to prevent the spread of the corona virus in the event of an outbreak. given.

It was a full-scale exercise conducted six weeks before the first case was reported in central China's Wuhan. It is also worth noting that the organizations that conducted the corona virus prevention computer drills were the ones that were funding the patenting company for the virus. And now these same organizations are working on the corona virus vaccine. The October 18 exercise was attended by representatives of the world's major banks, the United Nations, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Johnson & Johnson, Logistics Powerhouses, the media, as well as representatives from China and the US CDC.

The exercise created a regular atmosphere in the media with breaking reports of the devastation caused by the spread of the corona virus, citizens are scared and are demanding the government to take steps to address it. Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory Level 3 and Level 4 are located in Zhengdian Scientific Park of Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan. Level classification in the laboratory is done according to the arrangements to keep any virus safe.

Corona virus in Wuhan laboratory. Two Chinese scientists are named in the delivery. Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, who was also a virus specialist, came to Canada in 1996 for further studies. Dr. Chi's husband, Keding Cheng, is currently working as a biologist in a laboratory in Winnipeg, Canada. The couple has been doing research on Ebola and SARS viruses. In July last year CNBC News reported that a Chinese woman scientist, her husband and a few of their postgraduate students had been detained in Winnipeg's laboratory.

A month after the news broke, CNBC further reported that the pair of scientists had transmitted the Ebola and Henipah viruses to China on March 31 via Air Canada. According to the news all the rules and regulations were followed for the shipment of the virus. It is said that the corona virus was also sent to Wuhan laboratory through the same shipment. Another CNBC follow-up story states that Dr. Chi made five visits to China during 2017-18, training technicians and scientists at China's new Level 4 laboratory...


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