part 2 fire on my house from my lamp

part 2 fire on my house from my lamp
The economy also plays an important role in human life. Scientific progress has not only enabled man to do a lot but has also forced him to do so. Fast-moving machines have made work easier and increased productivity many times over. But all these developments have made some capitalists richer and richer, but those below the poverty line poorer. Machines left skilled people helpless and forced them into the service of a few capitalists.

Take a look around you. There are so many factories for clothes, shoes, wood, leather and sugar. These industries can be counted all over the world. Their owners are playing with money. The wealth of the world's 50 richest people on one side and the wealth of the rest of the world on the other. The same is true of every country. Manufacturers, capitalists are expanding their mills on a daily basis, while domestic industries and local artisans are shutting down on a daily basis. The concentration and imbalance of wealth has increased social inequality.

Unemployment is rising. The crime rate is rising sharply. People are suffering from diseases such as depression and tension and suicides are on the rise. About 40% of the world's population suffers from depression. Every year, 800,000 people in the world commit suicide by declaring life aimless. Whatever science is invented, discovered or researched, it is taken over by the capitalists and the rest of the world has to be enslaved by these capitalists in order to reap the benefits of it. They run to make and sell it and this medicine is made for the benefit of the manufacturer instead of serving the people and only those who have money in their pockets can benefit from this medicine.

The invention of the computer has made many tasks easier, but with the advent of the computer, the work of a hundred people can be done by a single computer operator, so the capitalist pays one person a little more and puts his hands together and other employees are laid off. Employment and poverty increase. Every scientific invention and discovery benefits only a few investors. Current scientific advances have turned a few capitalists into pharaohs and these few pharaohs are competing with each other in the idea of ​​enslaving the whole world with their capital.

They have turned a few greedy people into Qarun. The wealth of the whole world has become a snake while a large part of humanity is sucking at the hands of poverty. Scientific progress has made the few people who have accumulated all the luxuries of the world to make their lives a paradise happy. The price is being paid by the millions of people in the world who are deprived of even the basic necessities of life....
Arif, the poor man of the city, died of starvation
The rich man committed suicide with a diamond
In all the conversations so far, we have been examining science on a non-scientific basis. Maybe that is why we are putting the positive aspects of science behind us and calling it an enemy of man, but now we are looking at it from the point of view of science. The theory that experts are working on the most today is the Global Warming Theory.

According to this theory, every word and deed of a person affects his environment. Every sound and every movement raises the temperature of the atmosphere. Symbols of human development, machines use fuel and generate noise, heat and waste materials into the environment as well as production. All of these things cause environmental pollution. Oxygen from the atmosphere is running low and carbon dioxide is rising. This is damaging the ozone layer.

The earth is exposed to dangerous rays from the sun. Air, water and ground pollution are increasing. Groundwater is also becoming polluted and usable water reserves are declining. The area under cultivation is declining due to industrial development. Due to the greedy race for raw materials, forests and wildlife are rapidly becoming extinct.

The average temperature in the region is increasing day by day. If global warming continues unabated, glaciers on Earth's surface will melt and much of the Earth will sink into the ocean. Lack of water and clean air on Earth will make life impossible and eventually the Earth will be empty of life like other planets.

Research by environmental scientists has revealed that there is a rebellion against Allah. The result of tax evolution is that man, with the help of his own knowledge, has brought not only mankind but also life to the brink of extinction. On the one hand, the moving wheel of industries, the cars running on the roads, Ships flying in the air and floating in the seas and electric appliances are a manifestation of human progress. Clean air, clean water and a peaceful environment) are becoming extinct. Scientists who are rebellious against God, after realizing this danger, began to work together to find a solution, then came to the conclusion that we need to increase the human population. And the world's great resources are being wasted for this solution.


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