search for a laeder

search for a laeder
The current rulers of Pakistan believe that they have no "alternative" but this is their delusion. Ever since the world came into being, people with leadership qualities have been born in nations. Blessed are the nations that recognize these diamonds and Then take advantage of their abilities and become prominent in the world and unfortunate are the nations that stumble upon such diamonds as stones.
This blog provides a brief overview of these leadership qualities...

Every human being defines a leader according to his own standards. For some, a leader needs to be intelligent and brave, and for others, just being "handsome" is enough, even if the mind is full of straw and bravery is limited to bragging.

That's why scholars and experienced people have come up with a comprehensive classification of the infinite qualities of a great leader. Can also make a leader
Research shows that some people are born with leadership skills but many people can benefit the society by making these hidden talents more invigorating and then sometimes some people can also develop these qualities in their personality.

Today, in this blog, I would like to give a brief definition of these ten talents and ask you to find a new generation of personalities on the political scene of Pakistan who possess these ten qualities and pass them on to future generations.
Benefit from these skills..

Legal Ability No. 1
If you are a leader, you must have a specific ideology, vision or a "slogan" in simple words, your mind will have full confidence in this vision, you will be clear then the ideology and purpose of your followers will be permanent...

Legal Ability No. 2
A leader does not stagnate. He consistently not only makes himself better through his ideas but also removes his followers from mental retardation. Like a good teacher, a good leader often gives lectures, writes notes, questions and answers. Is found doing long sessions and "courting" with different sections of society

Legal Ability No. 3
If the leader of a nation or country does not have the courage to face individual adversity and successive adversities, he should not insist on being his "leader" at all, because this quality is as necessary in a leader as it is to survive. Oxygen for! If you think that by using artificial methods you can give a person oxygen and make him participate in the business of life for a long time, then surely you can present a cowardly and low-spirited person to the nation as "bold". You can fool some people of the nation for a while, but it is impossible to fool the whole nation forever.

Legal Ability No. 4
Leaders are decision makers. Good leaders consult before making a decision and if they make a decision, backing down is like death for them. Therefore, a good leader must be intelligent and consistent at the same time.

Legal Ability No. 5
A leader can be equally popular in every special and general manner only if he is skilled in expressing his views and listening to the opinions of others. No nation can have a cordial relationship with its leader if he listens to their problems and offers solutions. Fail even if it is said about doctors that a good doctor listens sympathetically to the patient's condition then half of the patient's disease is cured, similarly a good leader is one who has problems, opinions, criticisms, questions of his followers. And listen to your thoughts with an open heart and mind and focus on finding solutions to problems with empathy....

see next article for next part of the article thanks


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