the natural beings that are reflected in the uniqueness of these manifestations...
The purpose of this article is to find your sincerity in the natural beings that are reflected in the uniqueness of these manifestations...
Nature is a silent guide who gives us a glimpse of his tastes in changing seasons, fading shadows, lush and lush valleys, gentle breezes. In the school of this silent guide of nature where we are consciously living..
There are many lessons. The changing seasons of nature are its changing temperaments that teach us to endure change and change the cloak of conservatism to the reversal of its nature. Rising above fellow human beings teach to cherish human beings who are nothing more than a passenger cabin.
Lush and lush valleys are the mouthpieces of nature's aesthetics which teach us how to beautify our outward and inward appearance. There are those who are raining in all directions and we humans are standing and observing it...
After seeing this, we see the picture of Abdul Rahim. Turning away from this taste of nature is like human degradation. Man is the noblest of creatures because of his knowledge. Yes, the darkness of ignorance disappears when the light of knowledge shines. Nature has endowed us with a form of knowledge or taste in the form of manifestations of nature, the acceptance of which is the survival of our lives.
Turning away from it is tantamount to embracing ignorance and horror at the sight of this invisible taste. To paint oneself in it is to keep one's feet free from filth such as hatred, envy, malice. As a result, a society is born where angels live in the form of human beings whose language is the language of love and cooperation.
The inclusion of this natural taste in the way of life is like the opening of the door to the colors and creators of the universe, after which the universe appears to be a figure of beauty the whispers of the universe are heard outside of existence, worship begins Gentleness and politeness in attitudes keep social thinking positive..!!

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