dingtone and the educatation top masters

dingtone and the educatation top masters
You may be wondering what title it is given because we have heard the "story of the faith sellers" which is an everlasting intellectual capital of Naseem Hijazi but nowadays faith is only nominal so there is a loss in this business. There is a lot and we have heard that knowledge is an eternal wealth and it is our right to return this wealth, it increases by sharing, we are also sharing but not for free, such a big treasure is given and that is why sales continue at very high prices. Is.
It so happened that all the schools, colleges and universities in the country were closed due to the situation of Karuna, due to which many private schools and colleges laid off their staff and many people became unemployed. Just a few days ago I received a message on the phone from a gentleman with whom I was only concerned that if the children went to drop out of school, I would meet them for a while and say hello because the college adjacent to the said children's school I was a lecturer and did M.Phil in Physics.
I am a very interesting person and like me I live in a rented house in Lahore with my small family. His message was "If you can afford it, get some money." After reading this message I was stunned because I meant to send this message that he is sending a message to a relative like me, disappointed with all his friends and relatives. When I called, I found out that he too had been expelled from college due to which he has been unemployed for the last six months and has no source of livelihood and has not got a new job yet.
When I asked that you were a competent lecturer and never heard anything against you that is objectionable then now that schools and colleges have also opened then why didn't you work in the same college again? And the answer to this question surprised me that now the college administration has hired fresh staff because they have to pay less and they are being hired by two teachers instead of one, which means where there are ten teachers. If there is a need, work is being done there from five, even if their education is less, it will continue...

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