jazz disscounts bazar and pakistan country

jazz disscounts bazar and pakistan country
Let me repeat and make it clear that the IQ of Pakistanis has also dropped to a dangerous level and they have to work hard to understand what is going on.
Pakistan is the only country in the world where a 3, 4 year old child is taught in two languages and this process does not happen in any other developed or sensible country in the world. What happens to it, if you don't know, I'll tell you.
One language is written from right to left and the other language is written from left to right.
The script of the two languages is very different from each other and there is no connection between the two
The child learns one language at home, speaks it, and as soon as he arrives at school, he begins to learn another language, which makes it a difficult and complex process to acquire practical knowledge. ۔
Words consist of letters, and each letter has a form, in the early years when the child is taught he forms a form of each word in his mind, when he is taught in two languages This form begins to form in the mind of the child. As a result, he has difficulty in reading and writing. This is because of the dual education system.
Then there is the fact that when a child acquires knowledge in a language, his mind becomes monotonous, now his mind becomes confused and he is overwhelmed by a double burden, the result is that The country of 180 million and not a single world-class scientist, engineer, economist, doctor, scholar, or educator has been able to do so.
It is the fear within our rulers that they will not be deprived of their throne. They are engaged in a struggle for class division and the supremacy of one class over another, when they say that we are the school of wisdom. Establishing that the child of the poor should get the same quality of education that the child of a rich man is getting, then they have no purpose in mind except depriving the poor of education and crushing them. If they really want to give the same education to the children of the poor and the children of the rich, then they should introduce the same system of education in the whole country. Education should be given in one language in the whole country which is Urdu. Large countries can climb the ladder of development by enforcing one language, so what is the torment on Pakistan that one language cannot be implemented in it and at the same time a foreign language is being imposed.

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